By Linda Wilson @LinWilsonauthor

It is with great pleasure to announce that my picture book, Tall Boots, illustrated by 1000 Storybooks, has earned a Mom’s Choice Award. To earn the award, products and services go through a rigorous evaluation program. Those chosen are considered among the best in family-friendly media, products and services. The Mom’s Choice Awards Honoring Excellence Seal of Approval is recognized globally when parents, educators, retailers and members of the media look for quality when selecting products and services. The Mom’s Choice Awards seal is recognized in more than 50 countries.
Chosen for its excellence in children's literature, parents, grandparents, guardians, teachers and librarians can trust that Tall Boots offers not only a good story, but a valuable message for young readers. .For Tall Boots is a story about courage. A young girl is faced with a difficult challenge. How will she handle it? Young readers will be spurred on to face their own challenges with courage and determination.
The inspiration for the story came from the experience of a young girl one of our daughters babysat. She’d worn her old, red rubber galoshes during riding lessons—her “baby boots.” She wanted shiny, tall black riding boots. But first she needed to prove to her mother that she was serious about riding.
At a 4-H Horse Show, she didn't realize she would be facing the biggest challenge of her life. She'd never jumped her pony before. But when she found herself in the more advanced class, she had to make a decision. Would she jump the hurdle or chicken out? She gathered her courage and followed her horse’s lead. Together, horse and rider completed the jump.
Praise for Tall Boots
The illustrations are such a beautiful compliment to the well-written and darling story! Thanks again for promoting the 4-H program and for writing a story which will be enjoyed by youth and their families (enrolled 4-H members and those yet to enroll)!
Laura Bittner, Ph.D.
Interim Department Head, 4-H and Youth Development
In this sweet picture book, Ashley is a beginning rider who wants to earn a blue ribbon at the 4-H show and convince her mother that she is serious enough about riding to deserve a pair of tall riding boots. When her too-big helmet slips over her face, Ashley is mistaken for someone else and ends up competing in a more experienced class of riders. Luckily for her, Lacy, her spunky Welsh Mountain pony, knows just what to do. The illustrations are colorful and upbeat. At the end of the book is information on how readers can join the 4-H. This book is sure to inspire young girls to become riders, and encourages them to try things that may be a little too hard for them.
Jennifer Bohnhoff is a former history and English teacher who writes novels. Most are historical and suitable for middle grade readers through adults.
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